Thetford Town Newsletter

No. 12                                                                                                             February 2005





Town Meeting will be held on Saturday, February 26, 2005 starting at 9:00 am at Anderson Hall, Thetford Academy.


Elections for town and school officers will be held on Tuesday, March 1, 2005 at Town Hall from 8:00 am – 7:00 pm.




FEBRUARY 21 - Pre Town Meeting at Town Hall, 7:30pm


FEBRUARY 22 - VOTER REGISTRATION DEADLINE  - by  noon.  Must be registered to vote at Town Meeting and by Australian ballot the following Tuesday.

FEBRUARY 28 - SPECIAL OFFICE HOURS -  Clerk's office open 8:30 am - 5:00 pm, deadline to request absentee ballots.





A handy directory of Thetford resident and local business phone numbers is for sale at Merchant's Bank, Isabell's, The Village Store and Baker's Store. The proceeds will benefit the THETFORD TRUST, a community service organization.




steering committee continues to plan ways to enhance the Thetford Center Common as a central common for all residents. Grants and volunteer efforts are being sought for a path, benches and plantings.




Transportation Enhancement Grant has been received to design plans for a pedestrian walkway and other pedestrian safety features.




Residents are welcome to visit the Highway Department sand pile to pick up a bucket or two for personal use.  This offer does not extend to pick-up truck loads and those who plan to sand their entire driveways.

Thanks for your cooperation.





To be held February 16th and 17th from 7 pm-9 pm at the Thetford Center Community Center. A chance to meet our new Chief, Joseph Anthony, and bring any concerns or questions to his attention.





Due to the high acceleration of real estate prices in the Town of Thetford, and the direct effect this can have on property taxes, the Listers Office is in the process of conducting a town-wide statistical update. All property owners will be receiving important documentation regarding this matter and we ask your assistance in completing these forms.  If an interior inspection of your property is necessary, we will notify you. We appreciate your cooperation and understanding in this latest endeavor. Thank you!

Thetford Board of Listers





When was the last time you paid a visit to the library? Why not stop in?


Latham Library hours are:
Mondays 2:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Tues.-Thurs. 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Fridays 10:00 am - 5:00 pm          

Saturdays 10:00 am - 1:00 pm


Peabody Library Hours are:

Tuesdays 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Wednesdays 2:00 pm - 8:30 pm


While at the library why not fill out a survey, which is available at the librarian's desk. This survey will help us, the trustees, find out what you would like to see more of in the library.


P.J. Story Time

Join Simon Brooks, the children's librarian, for a special PJ Story Time. Bundle up the kids and bring them over for some wonderful bedtime stories. 7pm at the Peabody library - and don't forget to wear your pajamas!

February 8, March 8, March 22


Winter Melodies - Mandolin and Flute Performance

Join local musicians Rick Barrows and Rachel Clark for some fun music.

Wednesday, February 2, after school at 3:30pm.


The Minstrel & The Bard

Hear ye! Join us as Rick Barrows accompanies Simon Brooks for some great story adventures.

Wednesday March 9, after school at 3:30pm.




**Join Simon Brooks every Wednesday for our After School Program 3:30pm-5pm featuring snacks, stories, crafts and other surprises. (students can take bus 2 from TES).



**Join Simon Brooks after school every Thursday for a special story time experience.

**Friday morning preschool story time. A long time Latham Library tradition. Stories and songs begin at 10:30am.





Bugbee Senior Center

262 N. Main St.

White River Jct. VT 05001 


Join us for weekday programs with lunch at noon. (Over 60-suggested donation $3.00).

The Bugbee Bulletin, available monthly on line at or by mail. We welcome volunteers and programs of interest to seniors.


Visit our craft store, book sales and quilt classes.

Judy Adams, Program Director

(802) 295-9068





At the upcoming Town Meeting, voters in Thetford and at least 43 other Vermont towns will consider a “Resolution Concerning the Vermont National Guard and the War in Iraq.” 


The RESOLUTION CONCERNING THE VERMONT NATIONAL GUARD AND THE WAR IN IRAQ is part of a statewide initiative seeking to rebalance state and federal jurisdiction over the Vermont National Guard and urges Vermont's officeholders in Montpelier and Washington to push for a just and speedy end to the war in Iraq.  As
with the nuclear freeze, Vermonters have a history of debating global issues at Town Meeting when they are seen as linking local communities to the world at large.  This resolution follows in that tradition and can be summarized as follows: 

. The war in Iraq was advanced and the Joint Congressional Resolution
authorizing U.S. action in Iraq was adopted on the basis of erroneous
factual claims.  Saddam Hussein had no weapons of mass destruction and
has never been shown to have any connection to the attacks on 9/11.

. The cost of deploying Vermont National Guard units in Iraq has been
substantial as reckoned in deaths, injuries, and personal trauma, not to
mention the dislocation and financial hardship inflicted on families,
businesses, and communities.

. We call on the Legislature to investigate and discuss Vermont's role
in the governance of its National Guard, as the Vermont Constitution
authorizes it to do, and to set up a commission to study how Guard
deployments affect readiness here in Vermont

. We call on the Congressional Delegation to work to restore a proper
balance between the powers of the States and the powers of the federal
government with regard to state National Guard units.  

. We call on the President and the Congress to take steps to withdraw
American troops from Iraq, consistent with the mandate of international
humanitarian law.

The resolution can be read at the Town Clerk's office and on the web at
<>.  Handouts will be available at Town
Meeting.  Background information on the origins of this statewide
initiative and on the legal questions involved can be found on the
website as well. 

Upper Valley Peace & Justice Group





Thetford Academy, Vermont's oldest secondary school, will mark its 186th anniversary of continuous operation on February 4, 2005, with the annual Founders' Day celebration. Festivities between 7:45am and 1:15pm include class competition featuring songs, skits, and games. Also featured is an All School Banquet and Candle Lighting Ceremony.
The theme for this celebration is "Periods of History".
Alumni, past faculty, parents and Trustees are welcome to attend. Please call TA at 802-785-4805 to let the school know if you plan to attend.





In July of 2004 the Timothy Frost United Methodist Church in Thetford Center and the North Thetford Federated Church united into one church community. There is one service on Sunday morning. Sunday School and other programs are done jointly. The churches remain two separate corporations. Our two historic buildings will continue to be maintained. 


We use both our church buildings, alternating the location of Sunday morning worship (9:30) on a monthly basis. January we were at Timothy Frost, February at North Thetford. Signs are displayed in front of both buildings telling where we are for the current month. That information is also found on the church answering machine –

333-4429. The church also has an email address;


Gail Dimick

Pastor, Timothy Frost/North Thetford Church




The Thetford Energy Committee and Selectboard have completed the first phase of
our town street lighting project.  Working with Sustainable Energy Resource
Group, the Thetford Hill Village Improvement Society (THVIS) and community
members, we have identified ten Town streetlights and six owned by the THVIS
that were deemed unnecessary  and will be eliminated. 

Street lighting is one of Thetford 's largest energy expenditures.   Last year
we spent over $5,800 for our 36 streetlights.  The lights that have been removed
will save the town over $1,600 per year.   An additional six to ten lights are
being considered for removal in the future.

We are now working with Efficiency Vermont to conduct a life-cycle-cost analysis
on alternative outdoor lighting options, including fixtures and timer controls
that are much more efficient than Thetford's current mercury vapor lights with
drop-down lenses.  We are comparing high-pressure sodium, metal halide and

induction lamps, all of which use 40%-60% less electricity than the Town's
current mercury vapor lamps, to see which will be most cost effective. 


Full cut-off "cobra" head fixtures with flat lenses (similar to those on the
Town's high-pressure sodium and metal halide test lights) improve lamp
efficiency and reduce unwanted glare and light spillage by directing the light
at the roadway, where it is needed, and not out to the sides or upward.  Timers
would allow the lights to be turned off during the middle of the night, cutting
the remaining electric use in half.

We are also discussing with Central Vermont Public Service and the Vermont
Department of Public Service (VDPS) the possibility of allowing Thetford to buy
its own street lights and place them on CVPS poles, rather than lease them from
CVPS as the Town currently does. Thus far, CVPS has refused to allow this. 
Almost all Vermont towns lease their streetlights from their electric utility,
though certain communities have been allowed to install their own poles, wires
and lighting at great expense.

Town ownership of lights would likely expand its street lighting options and
further reduce costs. It would bring with it the added responsibilities of
paying for maintenance and electric use, both of which are currently included in
the utility lease fee.  However, it appears that if electric usage is reduced
through more efficient lamps, fixtures and timers, owning the lights may end up
a better deal for towns.

To give a sense of leasing vs. ownership costs, the Town of Plainfield, VT pays
about $7,000 per year for 56 streetlights under its current lease arrangement.
Plainfield recently worked out an deal with Green Mountain Power, VDPS and
Efficiency Vermont to purchase its own lights and place them on GMP poles. Once
it purchases its new lights, Plainfield will pay GMP for electricity, will be
responsible for any necessary replacement of lights or parts and may contract
with GMP or another vendor for maintenance. Despite these new responsibilities,
Plainfield estimates that after it has paid off the costs of purchasing its new
lights (2-3 years), it will cut its annual lighting bill to less than $4,000 per
year. This agreement between Plainfield and GMP may help pave the way for other
Vermont towns.

In addition to saving money on streetlights, there are side benefits of reduced
energy use and less night-time light pollution from extraneous and poorly
directed street lighting.  On the flip side, issues of driver and pedestrian
safety must be considered when deciding on removing or altering street lighting.
Some businesses and homeowners have supported more street lighting for security
purposes.  However, area lights around buildings controlled by motion detectors
may be more effective for this concern as they are activated by movement and

more likely to deter would-be intruders and alert others to their presence.  In
addition, motion activated area lights use less electricity, are cheaper to
operated and cause less night-time light pollution.

For more information on the town street lighting project or other Energy
Committee related issues, contact committee chair,
Bob Walker at 802-785-4126 or





The school board has been hard at work developing next year's budget. The school report will be mailed to households on the voter checklist during the second week of February. Copies will also be available at the town hall, the elementary school, and Latham library. We will also have copies available at town meeting on February 26. Please feel free to contact any board member, with questions about the budget or other school matters. We are...
Charlie Buttrey 785-4005
David Celone 785-2035
Darrin Clement 785-2668
Denise Froehlich 785-2097
Marty Jacobs 785-2606 




The Superintendent Search Committee has selected 4 finalists to visit schools on February 9th and 10th. There will be open Q&A forums for teachers and for community members with the candidates in the afternoons. Please watch for details and contact Darrin Clement, Committee Chair ( or  785-2668) with any questions.




Paper copies are available the beginning of each month at Thetford libraries, stores, bank, town hall, and electronically at or

Please help us make this a viable publication by submitting community information and events.



The deadline for submissions is the 20th of each month. Send news including contact name and telephone number to Cathee Clement at 785-2668 or

Please list Thetford Town Newsletter in the subject line.