Thetford Town Newsletter

No. 13                                                                                                             March 2005




The Recycling Committee continues to meet and develop improved and more cost-effective options for our current recycling center. New plans include reducing the number of sorts from 12 to 4!! This would mean all paper, glossy, newsprint and cardboard would be one sort, all glass another, metal, and the fourth would include all #1 and #2 plastic and aluminum. Fewer sorts and less expensive hauling of materials should reduce the costs of our recycling. New site plans will be unveiled at Town Meeting.

Thetford's Planning Commission continues to take comments at its regular meetings while revising their draft of the Town Plan before submitting it to the Selectboard. The Selectboard will hold a minimum of two hearings for further review of the plan before voting on the plan takes place. Public hearings will be advertised in the Valley News and posted on town bulletin boards and electronic media.

A handy directory of Thetford resident and local businesses phone numbers is for sale at Merchant's Bank, Isabell's, The Village Store and Baker's Store. The proceeds will benefit the THETFORD TRUST, a community service organization.

The Selectboard thanks retiring member Paul Raymond for his many years of service to the Selectboard and Town of Thetford.

Ways to stay current on town news and events include:

THETFORD TOWN NEWLETTER paper copies are available the beginning of each month at Thetford libraries, stores, bank, town hall, and electronically at or Please help us make this a viable publication by submitting community information and events!

THETFORD FORUM The most current town commentary and events updated daily electronically at To receive it directly in your email, anyone can subscribe by sending any message to

THET.NET community web site of town information and resources includes Selectboard and School Board Minutes, Thetford Town Plan and other municipal and community resources.






RABIES CLINIC - Saturday,  March 12, 2005  at the Town Garage from 10:00 to Noon. Rabies and other vaccinations available for cats and dogs will be given by Dr. Webster of Oxbow Veterinary Clinic.
Town Registration will also be available.  Vermont now recognizes a 3 year rabies vaccine, though you MUST present us with a new certificate.


VOTING for town officers, school officers and articles –

Tuesday March 1, 2005 at Town Hall 8:00 am - 7:00 pm

Deadline for animal licensing renewal is March 31, 2005.  (Penalties and late fee applied 4/1/05 exceed $25.)




You are invited to join a group at the Latham Library to discuss ways for “Sustainable Living”. The Vermont Earth Institute is sponsoring this free 8 week course. This will be the 4th course (out of the six courses given by VEI) offered in Thetford.


Please call Nan Crowell to see if there is still a space for you. 785-3014



Plans are in the works to have a variety of bands perform on the Thetford Hill Green and possibly at the Thetford Center Common during the months of June, July and August. 

I am currently looking for additional groups to perform as well as looking for a children’s
program.  If anyone has ideas, contacts, or would like to perform, please give me a call. 

Any help offered would be appreciated.

Please call Mary Dan Pomeroy 

785-2539 (H)
333-9170 (W)



The annual March Mud Season Booksale is fast approaching. Be sure to stop by and purchase from a large variety of books - and help support your local library in the process.
Friday, March 18th from 2:00 - 6:00pm
Saturday, March 19th from 10:00 - 1:00pm
and Monday, March 21st from 2:00 - 5:00pm






Bundle up the kids and bring them over for wonderful bedtime stories, 7pm March 8th and 22nd.



Music and Stories, Wednesday March 9th after school at 3:30pm.




The one act play, "Don't Look Down," will be presented March 18 and 19 in the Shark Tank Theater at Thetford Academy followed each night by discussions forums.  This play will again be offered as part of the regional competition in the Vermont Drama Festival in Randolph on March 27.  Plan to attend and lend your insights.


Thetford Academy will hold its annual Science Fair on March 24 at 7PM in Anderson Hall. Science students in grades 7-12 will be presenting a variety of research and inquiry projects, trebuchets, a Rube Goldberg competition, and the answer to "Why does Spam turn green?". Students will be on hand to discuss their presentations. Please plan to attend.

March 3 is Winter Sports' Night at TA. Student athletes from the basketball and ski teams will be recognized.



The Diversity Task Group continues to meet regularly with its next meeting scheduled for March 2 at 6 pm at Thetford Elementary School.

The Task Group has now submitted its policy vision statement on Diversity, Prejudice and Anti-Racism to the School Board and will discuss it with them on March 22 at 7 pm.  The next step is for the Board to consider the vision statement and adopt it, or some version of it, as school policy. 

Multiple copies of the outstanding book donated to our town by the Vermont Humanities Council's Vermont Reads Program, "First the Killed My Father, A Daughter of Cambodia Remembers" by Luong Ung are still on reserve at the Thetford Elementary School library.  The book is suitable for readers of high school age through adult.  It's a fascinating account of a young girl's life under the Pol Pot regime in Cambodia.  A discussion of the book is tentatively planned for the spring.  Please check out your copy today!

The Diversity Task Group now has eighteen members and discussions are always spirited and informative.  We hope you'll attend the next meeting on March 2.  All are welcome at Task Group meetings and child care is provided.




With town elections just around the corner, the school board would like to remind Thetford voters that there are three positions on the school board up for re-election. Bryant Patten is on the ballot to fill the three year term being vacated by Charlie Buttrey. Darrin Clement will be running to fill the remainder of Joe Malpino's three year term. Robin Brown is conducting a write-in campaign to fill the two year term being vacated by David Celone. Thanks to Charlie, Joe, and Dave for their years of service! Please be sure to attend town meeting on Feb. 26 and vote on Mar. 1.




And if you are wondering . . . Yes, you ARE a member of the Parish Players.  That is, if you have participated in a production by the Parish Players, in any capacity, or you regularly come to our shows, or if you have made donations in the past, then you too are part of this motley crew.  And if, somehow, you've managed not to have done any of those things, well, come on anyway, bring something edible, and we'll induct you then and there!  Those of us who have been Parish Players for a long time are happy to welcome all new members.  You aren't going to receive a nifty little membership card, or anything, but we are asking you to join us at the Grange Theater for the Parish Players annual meeting on March 13.  It starts at 1:00 with a potluck lunch, and you will have an opportunity to get to know the board of directors and some of the people who have been part of other productions.  Might even be a bit of entertainment during or after the lunch, never can tell.

The lunch will be followed by a business meeting, where we will hear reports from the various committees, elect new members of the board, and, MOST IMPORTANT, spend time discussing the future of the Parish Players.  Would you like to serve on one of our committees?   The board wants to hear everybody's views, and the ANNUAL MEETING IS YOUR CHANCE! Please join us on March 13.

Passenger drop-off at the door is OK, but please park in any of the lined spaces at Thetford Academy or behind the Latham library.





The deadline for submissions is the 20th of each month. Send news including contact name and telephone number to Cathee Clement at 785-2668 or

Please list Thetford Town Newsletter in the subject line.
