Thetford Town Newsletter

No. 19                                                                                                 September 2005




Thetford Center Flags
The flags in Thetford Center are provided by the Thetford Center Community Association. In an agreement with the Selectboard, the flags are to be flown on Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day and Veterans Day. They will be removed following each holiday.

Property Tax Reappraisal Appeals
Following this year's town-wide reappraisal, the Listers reviewed 150 grievances resulting in five appeals to the Board of Civil Authority. Those appeals were reviewed including site inspections. Results of appeals can include upholding the Listers valuation, reductions and even increases.

Questions regarding reappraisals may be directed to the Thetford Listers, 785-2922.


The Thetford Selectboard thanks Bill Thrane for his four years of tireless service to the town as Zoning Adminstrator. Bill is leaving the position effective August 31. Sue Ricker, Assistant to the Zoning Administrator will be available to answer questions while a new ZA is hired.





Thetford Property Tax Bills were mailed on August 18th.

Payments are due by 5:00pm on October 17, 2005.

Postmarks are not accepted.





Vermont author Mary Hays will be reading from her book Learning to Drive at the Peabody Library September 21st at 7pm.  Please join us for a wonderful evening at the historic Peabody Library on Rt.113 in Post Mills.  "In this bighearted, lush, and graceful debut novel, Mary Hays portrays the strength of the human spirit in times of crisis and the ways in which community can foster individual growth." – from the bookjacket of Learning to Drive.


The Peabody Library in Post Mills is open:

Tuesdays 5-8pm and

Wednesdays 2-8pm




Please note the following regulation: Dogs must be on a leash at all times in the State Park. This includes all trails that are in the park.

Direct any concerns to Park Ranger at 785-2266.

Thank you, Betty Stone, Park Ranger.



Ways to stay current on town news and events include:
THETFORD TOWN NEWSLETTER: Paper copies are available the beginning of each month at Thetford libraries, stores, bank, town hall, and electronically at or Please help us make this a viable publication by submitting community information and events!

THETFORD FORUM: The most current town commentary and events updated daily electronically at To receive it directly in your email, anyone can subscribe by sending any message to

THET.NET: Community web site of town information and resources includes Selectboard and School Board Minutes, Thetford Town Plan and other municipal and community resources.





THE GRAND RE-OPENING is scheduled for Saturday, September 10th from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm.
Stop by to see your new improved library and offer additional suggestions as improvements are on going. 

Library hours are:
Mondays 2:00 - 8:00
Tuesdays - Fridays 2:00 - 5:00
Saturdays 10:00 - 1:00





Winter Hours for the Recycling center start September 10th and will be 9am – 12pm Saturdays.


Trash Ticket Sales will be from 8:45am - 11:45am Saturdays at Town Hall.



Hartford Recycling Center Permits and Trash Coupons are now available Saturday mornings during Thetford sticker sale times at the Town Hall. (Hartford tickets will continue to be available for purchase in Thetford Town Clerk office during regular town clerk hours.)





The 2004-2005 school year started Wednesday, August 31. Folks are reminded to be extra vigilant when driving near the Academy, especially during the hours directly before and after school. A lot of our students drive and many walk along Academy Road and the surrounding area.

Mountain Day will be held on Friday, September 16. This is an annual tradition at Thetford Academy, with each class climbing one of the six mountains surrounding us.

September 19 at 6:30pm senior parents and students are invited to attend College Night at TA. This is a great opportunity to learn about options for the days after TA.

Community Day for students in Grade 8 is scheduled for September 21, with a rain date of September 28. Watch for our students and their adult supervisors out and about in Thetford that day, performing various community service projects.

Saturday, October 1, is the annual Wood's Trail Run on the course behind Thetford Academy. We welcome 3500 runners from all over New England, and encourage and welcome all who would like to volunteer to help with the many aspects of this event. Contact David McGinn at TA (785-4805) if you can help or would like more information. We need you, for sure!!!




Timothy Frost/North Thetford Church will hold a Chicken Pie Supper, Saturday, Sept. 17 at 5:00 p.m. at
The North Thetford Federated Church, US Route 5, North Thetford. , $8.00 adults; $4.00 children





The TES Diversity Task Force is sponsoring a Diversity Book Group during the coming year.  The next meeting of the Book Group will take place on September 19, at 6:30 pm at the Latham Library.  We will be reading "She's Not There: A Life in Two Genders" by Jennifer Boylan.  Copies can be checked out from Latham Library.  The book for the October meeting will be Barbara Ehrenreich's "Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America".

Meetings are free and open to the public; you do not have to be a TES parent to come and enjoy the book group.  Future meetings are scheduled for October 17, November 14 and December 12, all at 6:30 and all at Latham.  Please feel free to contact Jo Ann Woodsum at 333-9545 or with any questions or to learn more about the group.





The Thetford Volunteer Fire Dept., in conjunction with VT Rural Fire Protection Task Force, and VT Dept. of Forest, Parks and Recreation, is hosting a Rural Fire Protection Day on October 15th, from 10:00am - 2:00pm at the Thetford
Elementary School
. There will be exhibits, live demonstrations, and a visit from Smokey Bear all geared towards making our homes and community more fire safe.  All are welcome to attend, refreshments will be served.

For more information call 785-2412. 





September 5, 2005 - Post Mills Fire Station
Parade begins at 11:30am
BBQ will begin as soon as the parade ends
Special Events this year:  Fire safety information, Fire safety and sprinkler trailer, fire truck rides, flea market.


Come have fun with your neighbors!

The Thetford Vol. Fire Department was awarded a fire prevention grant through the Federal Emergency Management Agency that provides a smoke detector for each Thetford resident under the age of 14 and over the age of 65.  The purpose of this grant is to increase the number of working smoke detectors in each home in Thetford and provide additional fire prevention and safety information to the community the fire department serves.  Smoke detectors will be available for distribution at the Labor Day BBQ to Thetford residents in the age categories listed above.





The deadline for submissions is the 20th of each month. Send news including contact name and telephone number to Cathee Clement at

785-2668 or

Please list Thetford Town Newsletter in the subject line.