Thetford Town Newsletter

No. 56  OCTOBER 2008



Earlier in the summer, the Selectboard passed a revised version of the Flood Hazard Area Zoning Bylaw, putting the Town in compliance with federal standards required for certain insurance and home financing options. The new bylaw - which went into effect on August 5th - was the product of ten months of work by Thetford's Planning Commission. The Selectboard heartily thanks those dedicated individuals who each spent dozens of hours crafting the policy.


At the end of June, the State sent us notification that our next Homestead Education Tax Rate will be $1.5398 for every $100 of appraised property value. All property taxes are due on October 15, 2008. Please call Tax Collector Jill Graff at town hall if you have any questions.


Given the impending budget shortfalls we are already seeing in our 2008 finances - due almost entirely to unavoidable fuel and winter road costs - the board reviewed mid-year spending across departments. Several small areas were identified as places where we could realize potential savings. Larger short-term savings were won by deferring some paving projects. In total, most of the projected deficit was avoided with these measures.


The Town has several committee openings, giving opportunity for Thetford residents to more actively participate in specific facets of local policy making.


The Budget Committee has two openings available coming into the beginning of the 2009 budgeting season. This group helps set spending priorities and does not necessarily require a significant financial or math background. The committee is looking for a broad representation of townspeople.


And the Planning Commission now has an opening, as the group continues in its efforts to revise the Town's zoning bylaws.


The Selectboard will be appointing a citizen to fill Suzanne Masland’s seat on the Selectboard, as she had to resign due to work schedule conflicts. People interested in putting their names forward or learning more about Selectboard duties should contact Mike Brown by phone (785-4536) or email (


As always, the Selectboard welcomes input during our public comment sessions (typically 7 p.m. each Monday evening at Town Hall), and also reads email addressed to


Submitted by Tig Tillinghast



General Election Information:

Voter Registration deadline October 29, 5pm


Absentee Ballots: Request at the Town Clerk’s Office

Or by phone 785-2922


General Election Voting: November 4, 2008

At Town Hall, 3910 VT Route 113

Polls open 8 am to 7pm



Property taxes are due 5:00 P.M. on Wednesday, October 15, 2008.  Postmarks are NOT accepted and an 8% penalty is due on any tax payment that is not in the Treasurer’s Office by 5:00 P.M. on the 15th.


New Wall Crawlers program

For ages 12 and up: Join the Thetford Wall Crawlers on Tuesdays from 4:30-6 PM at The Wall in Quechee.  Learn how to rock climb at practice every week for a 10 week session beginning Oct 6. $85 fee includes shoe & harness rental ($60 if you have your own shoes & harness), t-shirt, free wall climbing during the length of the session, 10% off equipment and a pizza party at the end of the session. Coaches are needed and get benefits too! No experience necessary.


For ages 5-11: Join the Junior Climbing Club on Mondays from 4-5:30 at The Wall in Quechee. For younger climbers who want to “learn the ropes”. $35 fee includes shoe & harness rental. This is a monthly fee, you may participate in as few or as many months as you choose.


FREE basketball league, Athletes United, run by Dartmouth student athletes, is open to all 4/5/6 graders. Kickoff was last weekend, but you can still sign up. Practices are Thursday evenings from 6-7 PM at TES.


Adult pick-up soccer will be on-going through the fall (Sundays 1-3 PM at Howard's field in Thetford Center).  Teenagers with soccer experience are also welcome to play.


Look for a cooking class series and a babysitting class this fall!


Contact Recreation Coordinator Hilary Linehan for further information or to sign up for any programs.

802-785-2922 ext 6.



To increase the efficiency of your home heating systems, get your boiler and/or furnace tuned up, change your air filters, and vacuum your hot water fins.

Submitted by Alice Stewart

Thetford Energy Committee



Poetry Reading Group to meet twice monthly at Peabody Library.

Call Lynda Day Martin @ 802-785-2143 or write her at for details.

Times to be announced.


Submitted by Lynda Day Martin



The Thetford Elder Network (T.E.N.) is compiling a list of elders in the community to contact to invite to our monthly Community Meal on the 4th Tuesday @ 11:30am at the Thetford Community Center.

If you know of any older folks who would like to come please contact us so we can give them a personal invite and help arrange for transportation.


There will be a short entertaining program at each meal as well. 


Submitted by Gina Sonne 785-4220


10th Annual FOLIAGE FIVE – October 12th


The 10th Annual Foliage Five road race will be held on Sunday, October 12th at the Union Village Dam. 


The five-mile race begins and ends at the top of the dam, and the course is completely closed to traffic. Run at the peak of Vermont’s glorious foliage season, the race is run on one of the most beautiful courses in all of New England. Two kids fun runs precede the race. 


Prizes for the top finishers in six age categories.

All proceeds from the race benefit the Thetford Volunteer Fire Department.


For more information, go to, or call Charlie Buttrey at 785-4005.



*Thetford Academy will host over 2000 runners from throughout New England for the eighteenth annual Woods Trail Run, an invitational cross country meet. Races start at 10:00am. If you would like to volunteer to help with this event, please contact David McGinn at 785-4805 x241.


*October 25 offers second opportunity to help at the races. The Vermont Cross Country Championships will be held on our trail that day, and once again volunteer support from members of our community is vital to the day’s success. Contact David McGinn   785-4805 x241 to volunteer.


*TA alumnus and photographer Chris McKinstrey, Class of 1976, will be showing “The Invisible Workers of Railroading”, an exhibit of color photographs, at Thetford Academy in the main hall of the White Building. The exhibit will be on display through October 4, and the White Building is open from 7:30am-3:00pm Monday-Friday.


*TA Board of Trustees will meet on Thursday, Oct. 9 at 7:00pm. The meeting will be held in the TA Library and the public is invited to attend.


Submitted by Wendy Cole



The Post Mills Church will present the ultimate Harvest Supper on October 11 beginning at 5:00pm.

The supper will feature succulent baked ham, Pete Estes' baked beans, red flannel hash, squash, rolls and a slice of either apple or pumpkin pie.

The supper is served family style for the amazing price of only $9.00 with children under 12 at $4.00. Hope you will join in this annual event!


For information call Barbara Condict 333-9803


2nd and 4th   Fridays 7:30 -9:30
Rices Mills Community Center, Donation $3 - $5
Bring Water to drink, clean shoes, cd's

Submitted by Gina Sonne 785-4220



The deadline for submissions is the 20th of each month.

Send news including contact name and telephone number to Cathee Clement at 785-2668 or

Please list Thetford Town Newsletter in the subject line.