NO. 80������� OCTOBER 2010




A few town updates from the Selectboard:

1- Revolving Loan Fund:

Starting this fall, Thetford should have some loan moneys (federal government block grant funds) being paid in that will go to a Thetford Revolving Loan Fund. This fund will help Thetford businesses, including home businesses and potentially senior housing efforts, with low interest seed capital. We expect as much as a quarter million dollars to flow into the fund over the next eight years. Obviously this will be a great boon to the town, so the committee we're setting up to disburse those funds would be a hoot to serve on. We are looking for people who would be willing to meet quarterly to review loan applications that will be pre-processed by the Green Mountain Economic Development Corporation. People interested in serving, or who are interested in more information about the loan program, can contact me directly at the email address above. This committee may also be charged with helping adjudicate the PACE program (mentioned below).

2- Homeowner Loans for Energy Savings Improvements:

Thetford is actively attempting to put together a program (called PACE) whereby homeowners and business owners could get loans that would pay for building improvements, provided that an energy audit showed that the improvements would provide more in energy savings than they would cost. This would have the effect of both saving townspeople a bunch of money, as well as employing a good number of people in the building trades. And it wouldn't involve any cost or risk to taxpayers not participating in the program. Thetford is one of only four towns in Vermont that won a stimulus grant to plan such a program.

Interestingly, PACE programs across the country have been halted by a combination of funky state enabling legislation and skittish banking regulators. More interestingly, Vermont's legislature passed its version of the enabling legislation in a bank-friendly and detail-free fashion that allows municipalities like ours to fill in the details so as to avoid the concerns of the federal regulators. Long story short: our program may show that this can and should work in the other states, unlocking a lot of potential. The power to go ahead and do this rests not in a regulator's hands, or a federal or state official's, but in those of Thetford's voters, who will be given the opportunity to vote in such a program, provided we get our ducks in rows between now and the next town meeting. 

3- Road Map Changes and Ad Hoc Committee for Road Naming:

We are asking for volunteers to be a part of a road naming committee to give the board suggestions for two small road segments that remain formally unnamed. One is the little stub of a road that goes to Ned Perrin's old sugarhouse off Tucker Hill Road, and the other is the smaller side of the triangle in front of the Post Mills church. The board informally named that small section "Vermontasaurus Drive" some months ago. This committee will solicit suggestions and forward recommendations to the selectboard for approval. Suggestions for road names can be emailed to Mike Pomeroy at

4- Streetlights:

Thetford will soon be executing another energy-related stimulus grant, replacing streetlight fixtures with more energy-efficient LED versions. As part of that process, the selectboard asked the Energy Committee to review the town's streetlights with an eye to recommending snuffing out any unnecessary ones now, rather than after we've spent federal dollars on unused upgrades. The committee returned a list of lights they deemed unnecessary, and the selectboard reviewed that list. A hearing was held on 9/27, but any additional input can be directed to Donn Downey at I'd like to add that the Energy Committee has been enormously helpful in both the streetlight and PACE grant projects. 

5- Recycling Permits:

As we all discussed at town meeting this past time, held a hearing on the 27th. This year, as you all have probably learned, we've made a few changes at the Recycling Center. The combination of changing trash hauling vendors and charging for permits is raising about $32,000 a year, with about $12,000 of that returned directly to users with lowered trash fees. The net cost to the town of the center last year was about $40,000, so we've reduced that by about half this year. Additional feedback on recycling permit fees can be sent to Donn Downey at 


Submitted by Tig Tillinghast for the Selectboard



*VSAC Paying for College Night will be held on Tuesday, October 5.  The presentation will start at 6:00 pm and will be held in the TA Library.  Parents, guardians, and students with questions about how to pay for college are welcome to attend.


*TA�s Parent Advisory and Advocacy Council (PAAC) will hold its first meeting of the school year on Tuesday, October 12, at 7:00 pm in the TA Library.  Parents with questions, comments, and or concerns about anything at TA are invited to attend.  If you are interested but unable to join us, please contact Mary Bryant at 785-4512.


*The Thetford Academy Board of Trustees will hold its monthly meeting on Thursday, October 14, in the TA Library.  The meeting will start at 7:00 pm, and all are welcome to attend.


*Thetford Academy will not be in session on Thursday and Friday, October 21 and 22, for the state-wide Teachers� Convention.  The main office will also be closed.


*The Fall Sports Awards Evening will be Wednesday, October 27, starting at 7:00 pm in the gymnasium.


*Thetford Academy once again hosts the Vermont State Cross Country Championship Races on Saturday, October 30.  Volunteers are needed; please contact Meet Director David McGinn at 785-4805 x214 or Volunteer Coordinator Karen Buttrey at if you can help.


Submitted by Wendy Cole


cross country races at thetford academy


Thetford Academy, home of the most scenic and highly-regarded cross-country course in New England, is hosting three HUGE high school cross-country meets this fall.


On Saturday, October 2nd, T.A. hosted the 20th annual Woods Trail Run, which draws nearly a thousand high school and middle-school runners from throughout New England and New York.  It is estimated that the population of Thetford doubles on the day of this event.


On Saturday, October 30th, T.A. will host the Vermont State Cross-Country Championships.  Boys and girls teams from all three athletic divisions will be competing for team state titles and individual honors, and to secure a berth in the New England Championships.  The T.A. boys have won the state championship each of the last two years, and both individual winners from last year's D-III race are Thetford students who return to defend their crowns this year.  If you have never been to this meet, you have missed a thrilling and colorful event.  


On Saturday, November 13th, T.A. will host the New England High School Cross-Country Championships, the signature event of the cross-country season.  Previous competitors have gone on to great success at the collegiate level.  This is your chance to see the stars of tomorrow today!


Every year, T.A. is bombarded with positive accolades about these events and the cheerful, helpful community volunteers who play such an important role in making them run smoothly.


There are still lots of volunteer opportunities for one or all of these meets.  Whether you are interested in post running, helping with parking, serving in the hospitality area, assisting with the trail patrol, or helping at the finish area, there is a job for you!


You can volunteer for any of the meets, or all three.  Fun is guaranteed!


If interested, please contact Karen Buttrey by e-mail at or by phone at 785-4005.


Submitted by Charlie Buttrey





Pleasant Ridge Cemetery Association's Chicken Pie Supper


October 16, 2010 at 5:00 PM at the United Church of Thetford in North Thetford


$10.00 Adults, $5.00 Children 4-12, Under 4 FREE


Menu is Chicken Pie, mashed potatoes and gravy, squash, cranberry sauce, coleslaw (the best ever), assorted dessert pies, and enjoy a mini treat from the candy dish.  We will be offering coffee, tea, milk, water, and punch as beverage choices.


We will NOT be providing take out service.


Checks will be accepted.  



Hope to see you at the best chicken pie supper in town.

Submitted by Laurie A. Ingalls




The Thetford Academy Alumni Association is planning their 24th Annual Craft Bazaar!! We are always the Saturday before Thanksgiving.  We will be enjoying the space at Thetford Academy in the new gymnasium.  WOW!  


Please plan to join us 9am until 3pm on Saturday, November 20th


Local crafters are welcome to join us.  We also encourage specialty food products.  All crafts are are locally produced by local residents and artisans-Maple syrup, quilts, wooden ware, ceramics, jewelry, donuts, pies, breads- how much can the variety of excellent products expand!  Do you demonstrate your art live for customers?  Horse drawn rides, snacks and luncheon are in the planning as always!  Call Jessica Eaton 333-9491 for an information packet.


Submitted by Jessica Eaton





October 16 from 9:00am to Noon at the Thetford Town Garage, Route 113.

Fees will be charged for most items.


Contact the Greater Upper Valley Solid Waste Management District for more information ����������� at 802-296-3688, or on the web at


 Submitted by John Hurd, GUVSWD



heating season is coming � are you ready?


Keep your house comfortable and save money by not wasting energy during the heating season. 


Submitted by Alice Stewart for the Thetford Energy Committee



raffle, silent auction and soup sale at thetford hill church � October 9th

fund raiser for new roof and preservation������


Have you noticed the new roof on our historic Thetford Hill Church?Members and friends of The First Congregation Church in Thetford, UCC, are fundraising to help pay off the new roof and roof support.


This historic building, the oldest meeting house in continuous use in the state of Vermont, is one that we all take for granted as the anchor of the Thetford Hill green. Can you imagine Thetford Hill without it?


In addition to worshiping within its walls, most of us in town have spent significant time there � at Maple Leaf daycare, piano lessons, AA meetings, rehearsals, Thetford Academy Baccalaureate, concerts by the Thetford Chamber Singers, TA students, Village Harmony, Vermont folksingers and classical ensembles, plays, weddings, funerals, meetings, hymn sings, speakers and bell ringing on the 4th of July�


The new roof and repair to the roof support is just the first of a number of efforts that will be undertaken in the next few years to preserve the building structurally as well refresh paint and replace cracked concrete.


We hope you will help us as we do our part to preserve this town treasure for future generations to enjoy.


There are three ways to participate: purchase a raffle ticket, bid on items at the silent auction, and come to the soup sale!


Raffle prizes include:

1.Custom oil portrait (person or an animal) by Gillian Tyler of Lyme.Value $800.


2.Custom house portrait by architect and artist Jess Kilgore of Post Mills.Value $650.


3.Private catered dinner by Chris Aquino for up to 8 people at her home, the former Middlebrook Restaurant, in West Fairlee.Value $500.


4.Handmade (machine stitched) quilt, Army Star pattern in golds, greens and purples, size 71" x 85", by Ellie Marshall of Bradford.Value $450.


5.Bird's eye maple panel lamp crafted by Bradford resident Dave Barthel,22"x11" with Richard Langdell (Corinth) handmade paper inserts.Value $400.


Tickets are $2 each or 6 for $10 and will specify which prize you hope to win. The winning tickets will be drawn on October 9th at the Silent Auction.


The Silent Auction, held Saturday October 9 at the church, includes paintings and prints, antique Minton china, clothing items, Chinese cooking lessons, North Woods cabin stay, sailplane flight, and many service items such as computer consultation, excavation, and cutting and stacking firewood. Information on the Silent Auction, including descriptions and pictures, is available at our web site, is from 10AM-6PM.


And the Soup Sale begins at noon, October 9.Cost will be $10 per quart for soup and/or bread or dessert.


See you at the Silent Auction on October 9th, and at venues for Raffle ticket purchases before then.Many thanks to all those who have already participated!


Submitted by Christina Robinson





It is estimated that about 5,000 African Americans fought on behalf of the colonists in the American Revolution.  Did you know that one of them is buried in Thetford?


George Knox enlisted three times and served, at one point, in General Washington's security detail.  Later, Knox served as a private in the same regiment as James Wheelock, the son of Dartmouth College founder Eleazor Wheelock.  After the war ended, Knox became Wheelock's indentured servant, and he lived in Hanover from 1785 until 1790, when his indenture ended. He then moved to Thetford, bought a farm, and ended up fathering five children.  After his death in 1825, he was buried in the Stevens District cemetery, where his stone still stands.


Submitted by Charlie Buttrey




Social Waltzing Tuesdays at Rices Mills Community Center from 7-8:30pm
All Levels Welcome!
Bring water to drink and if you have questions, please feel free to contact me:Gina Sonne785-4220


Submitted by Gina Sonne




All Levels are Welcome


Day/Time:���� Mondays, 6:00 to 7:30pm

Location:����� Thetford Community Center, Rte. 113 across from the Town Hall and General Store

Dates:��������� October 11, 18, 25AND�� November 1, 8, 15, 22, 29

Cost:              $96.00 for the session/8 classes, $15.00 for drop-in

To register:     Email Carole at


Submitted by Carole Petrillo





Carole Petrillo provides bookkeeping and other helpful tasks for people that have lost their partner or for children that are Caregiving for their parents and need financial support.  For more details, please view


Submitted by Carole Petrillo, or 802.785.4605





The deadline for submissions is the 20th of each month.Send news including contact name and telephone number to Sheila Fifield at list Thetford Town Newsletter in subject line.