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localvore-localag-discussion - A Discussion List about Local Foods and Agriculture in Northern New England

Subject: A Discussion List about Local Foods and Agriculture in Northern New England

Shared documents

Shared documents
  • PAS
  • VT Raw Milk
  • Listing of folder VT Raw Milk

    Last update: 25 Feb 2011 06:19:32

    Listing of folder VT Raw Milk
    Document Author Size (Kb) Last update
    ACT062H125.pdf  30.049 25 Feb 2011 06:11:39
    Raw_Milk_Guidelines.pdf  342.229 25 Feb 2011 06:13:23
    RuralVermontSuspensionNotice17Feb2011.pdf  8.442 25 Feb 2011 06:13:02
    Title_6_Chapter_152.pdf  18.59 25 Feb 2011 06:12:28
    VTWorkshopWarning10Feb2011.pdf  128.287 25 Feb 2011 06:12:49
    consumerfactsheet.pdf  401.571 25 Feb 2011 06:19:32
    sellersguide.pdf  2567.78 25 Feb 2011 06:19:19

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